Our Team

A Few Words About

Our Team

Mr. Jayendra Gauchan

Chairman cum Managing Director

Er. Swiss Gauchan


Mustang Holding Group

Mr. Bicky Gauchan


Mr. Hemanta Gauchan


Chairman cum Managing Director

Mr. Jayendra Gauchan

Mr. Jayendra Gauchan, a hard working but fun-loving personality underwent lots of ups and downs his good interaction skill helped him to accomplish whatever he does and is set for. Before establishing any company, he went to Japan to build his career and earn for his livelihood but some years later he flew back to Pokhara Nepal and started up Mustang Engineering & Metal Workshop which over the years his hard work and dedication set another mile’s stones and now as per his vision a group of companies has shaped as “Mustang Holding Group”.

Chairman cum Managing Director
Director_Swiss Gauchan

Er. Swiss Gauchan

Engineer Swiss Gauchan, he joined his family business, Mustang Holding Group, as a director technical at the engineering and metal works and gabion divisions. He is a very modest business man and being self-motivated, action-oriented always believed that a strong team brings consistency on performance which helps in attaining goals more capable than through individual efforts.


Mr. Bikki Gauchan

Mr. Bicky Gauchan his innovative ideas and business strategies along with holding an MBA degree. His experience in the business industry, knowledge and expertise are his key strengths to define his personality. He always visions for a big shot rather than sparing time for smaller ideas.

Bickey Gauchan2
hemanta sir

Mr. Hemanta Gauchan

Mr. Hemanta Gauchan, retired British Army Officer, a well-disciplined personality joined the group in the year 2019 as a GM factory, his dedication and contribution to the organization is much more than the expectation, a very energetic and active person with a motto to achieve the job on time.